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Register Your Job Vacancy

We’ll connect you with suitable candidates through our no-cost recruitment service and can also provide financial incentives if employing our registered job seekers.

Looking to Grow Your Team?

We can connect you with suitable candidates through our no-cost recruitment service. You may also be eligible for financial incentives when employing one of our registered job seekers.

Recruit with Workskil Australia, and you can access these great benefits:

  • A shortlist of suitable, pre-screened candidates
  • Up to $10,000 in wage subsidies
  • Funding for employment checks, tools, uniforms, PPE
  • Disability awareness training and material aids
  • Cultural awareness support for your staff
  • Ongoing support for you and your new starter

With more than 50 locations across Australia, we provide the right people and assistance for you to achieve your goals.

Register Your Interest

Contact Workskil Australia, and we’ll match you with an eager recruit and help you access the financial incentives.

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