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young man in school uniform proudly holding his high school certificate

Jai’s Journey to Graduation

Jai graduated high school following personal setbacks and he is an inspiring example of what young people can achieve with the right support.


Meet Jai, the bubbly, creative and funny young person who is neurodivergent.

Jai was referred to Workskil Australia’s Flexible Learning Options program, often called FLO, when he was in year 9. At that time, Jai found it difficult to engage with mainstream schooling. Attending class, social relationships and learning were aspects of schooling that weren’t working for Jai. It was clear that the traditional schooling model was not the best fit.

Through strong collaboration between his school and the FLO case manager, a more suitable approach was established. This included assertive outreach appointments at Jai’s home and in community settings.

His case managers and school supported Jai in exploring different settings for courses and programs that appealed to him, and they were delivered in ways that benefited his learning style.

Despite a number of significant setbacks impacting his daily life, Jai’s education, social and communication skills continued to improve. The ongoing and consistent support of his case manager, grandparents and educators, led him to increase attendance and engagement at school.

Some of Jai’s proudest moments include completing his first aid, food safety and barista training, which were organised and supported by his FLO case manager and school. He is also immensely proud of receiving a higher achievement award for coming top of his class in Music Technology.

In 2023, we were delighted and proud to attend Jai’s Year 12 graduation where he received his South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Jai was proud to celebrate this success with his grandparents, as the second in his family to gain this achievement.

With flexible support from the school, Jai remains enrolled as a Year 13 student, allowing him to continue engaging with his FLO case manager.

Jai’s FLO case manager successfully referred him to Inclusive Pathways to Employment (IPE), Workskil Australia’s preparatory program bridging the gap between high school and employment for young people living with disabilities.

Together, the school and Workskil Australia’s FLO and IPE teams are supporting Jai with his next goal of completing a Certificate III in IT so he can get his dream job in cyber security.

Jai’s journey highlights and celebrates the collaboration between support and education systems that ensure the diverse needs of young people are at the center of decision-making.


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