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Support for Young People

Our team of Employment Coaches, Youth Workers and Counsellors are here to help you get ahead. We operate a range of employment and community services for young people looking for a job or looking for direction.

How we can help

Our youth programs and services can assist you or a loved one in overcoming personal barriers, planning for the future, and starting on a path to achieve goals. We can help with the following:

Career Paths

Explore potential careers and start on a path that’s right for you

Finding a Job

Find and keep a job that suits your interests and abilities

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Get paid to work while learning skills and earning a qualification

Health and Wellbeing

Access counselling and referrals to health and community services

Pathways to Education

Find and apply for training or courses that align with your goals

Driver’s Licence

Access lessons and support in gaining a driver’s licence

Workforce Australia Transition to Work

The Transition to Work program supports young people between 15 and 24 years to build practical skills and confidence, gain qualifications and start on a suitable career path.

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Allied Health Services

We can support you in overcoming personal challenges and achieving your mental health goals. Our Allied Health Services include one-on-one counselling, group workshops and a dual servicing approach to care, with free appointments available to those registered with Workskil Australia.

Find out more

Our Commitment to Child Safety

Workskil Australia is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people through establishing and maintaining child safe and child friendly work environments.

View our Charter of Commitment to Children and Young People.

We also endorse The Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care.


1800 125 555 Enquiries Our locations